Rage Against The Machine’s Zack De La Rocha on Immigration and the Need for Powerful Protest
Rage Against the Machine frontman Zack De La Rocha is no stranger to combatting injustice and oppression. Using his massive platform and colossal success, he has created a culture of acceptance for migrants from all walks of life.
A Dutch Woman’s Immigration Experience: Part 2 of 3
Facts on Immigration in the United States Many people consider living in the U.S. to be a privilege. People who are struggling in other countries see the U.S. as a place of opportunity and possibility. There is the concept of […]
Immigration and the U.S. President’s Flouting of the Law
While Trump maintains a tougher immigration policy is necessary for economic and security reasons, his critics argue these policies are in direct violation of domestic laws and international humanitarian standards.
Lest We Forget: U.S. History and Immigration
How Right Was George Santayana? Spanish Philosopher—George Santayana said, “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Children separated from parents and housed in enclosures intended for animals. No, the era is not 2018—it was 1942 […]
TEDTalk: Immigration and Social Circles
Duarte Geraldino is an American journalist with a focus on analyzing culture and its impact on our nation. He is known for his work on long-term projects and has produced short films/documentaries with common themes of building a sense of […]
Alternative for Germany Condemns Immigration, Islam and Liberal Philosophy: (Part 3 of 3) Responses to the Party
Alternative for Germany (AfD) faces stark resistance from numerous protesters and from Germany’s chancellor Angela Merkel, who has been regarded as the most powerful woman in the world. Embed from Getty Images Merkel has been Germany’s chancellor since […]
Alternative for Germany Condemns Immigration, Islam and Liberal Philosophy: (Part 2 of 3) What Do They Want?
Frauke Petry, chairwoman of Alternative for Germany (AfD), cites Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel and her party, the Christian Democratic Union of Germany as sparking the AfD. “AfD is a child of Merkel’s politics,” Petry said in a Telegraph article. “That […]
Alternative for Germany Condemns Immigration, Islam and Liberal Philosophy: (Part 1 of 3) Who Are They?
Embed from Getty Images Amongst economic and foreign policy concerns, a flux of immigrants is colliding with rigid cultural and nationalistic societies in Germany and across Europe. Right-wing populist parties seek to overturn multiculturalism and liberal democracy in order […]